Anne Thornton
We’ll get straight to the point: Anne is our unicorn. She’s the perfect sample size in our hardest to fit shape, she’s preternaturally camera-ready and she gets is. She is also a chef and a pastry chef who has served up sweet and savory goods from places like the Waverly Inn to The Food Network. When Anne first visited our showroom and we walked her through the collection, her mind was blown: someone was out there making clothes for her body, her shape and her aesthetic. She put on our white shirt, looked down, saw it button with ease and literally started to cry. Of course we started to cry too—also tears of joy for solving a problem that so many women experience. Thornton shares our sensibility for doing things differently; she’s developing Rose Avenue, a plant-based food line that’s going to give a lot of people access to healthy food. Here, she reveals her secret talent, secret weapon and secret styling advice.
Add model to a long list of firsts.
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Current home: Los Angeles, California
Current profession: Chef
Hidden talent: Jeopardy genius
Proudest moment: Alchemizing horrific situations into opportunities for great growth and deeper self-awareness.
When life throws you a curve—put your hand on your heart, take a deep breath and say "I can handle this," because you can and you will.
On your mind: How to save the planet with delicious plant-based food
On your desk: A black and white behind-the-scenes photo of Julia Child filming her show in Cambridge, Ma.
On your nightstand: The Wisdom of No Escape by Pema Chodron
On the horizon: Launching my organic plant-based line of food, Rose Avenue.
Outfit in top rotation: Black leather leggings, Chloé motorcycle boots, and a tuxedo jacket.
On wearing black: Is always a good idea; day or night, casual or fancy.
On staying ahead of the curve: By leading an organic plant-based eco-sustainable lifestyle.
On dealing with life curveballs: Put your hand on your heart, take a deep breath and say "I can handle this," because you can and you will.
Advice you’d give to your younger self: Keep seeking, learning and growing, and continue to trust that life is happening for you, not to you.
Style secret: Highlight and show-off your assets, shamelessly.
Follow Anne on Instagram for recipes and news on Rose Avenue.